Saturday 8 October 2016


Hi everyone!~~

So there's this one kinda mix between exhausting and awesome programme by my faculty during last week which was the....... CAREER WEEK:''''D
~I got a feeling this entry may be a bit long so I will be dividing it to parts later. Yeah & longer writings are boooriingggg

No, this is not me

What's happening in the programme is that 6 chosen professionals from different departments/fields in the vet industry were called to share their career prospects & also experiences they gone through. I would say all of the invited speaker did a very great job delivering their message because I tell you I got very hyped upon hearing all of the talk.

A brief of my background, I chose vet because I love animals but my real ambition was never a vet, I would like to become a teacher or even lecturer if lucky. So this course is like my platform that I have chosen in pursuing in becoming a lecturer. I really am thankful that I was qualified to be a DVM student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FPV) in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

BUT,, after this CAREER WEEK I become confused in deciding what I would to do. It felt like I want everything. ~really I'm quite serious  I felt in love how they faced the challenges, doing something that they love from the deepest part of the heart and all the new adventures they have been through. Yes, I am inspired!

What inspired me was not mostly on what they represented but instead It was how they were presenting. Full of confidence, able to attract large audience, clear voice projections and many more qualities that I liked. I would really like to become someone like the speakers one day especially when I want to be a vet in the academic field, training future vets. ~big dream there! For the time being, I will not waste my time learning and improving my public speaking skills throughout my study for the next 5 years.

My fav speaker :')

Among all the the invited professional, I liked all of them but my favourite would be Prof. Mohamed Shariff, which his talk was about Aquatic field. The way he talks, giving quotes to inspire us new students, and also his free gifts along his session. But personally I like how he responded to my questions during the Q & A session because it really answered my question and made me satisfied to hear it.

That's all for this part, Thank YOU

Thanks for reading, there's still more~

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